

S1E4: Douz 後半 (Cabin Pressure和訳)

BBCラジオドラマ 'Cabin Pressure' の第四話 "Douz" 後半の対訳です。


(ところでCabin Pressureのおかげでいつか行ってみたい土地リストにDouzが加わってしまいました。)


今回も英文スクリプトは Douz Transcript | Cabin Pressure Fansからお借りしました。


Little Thoughts on Genders in Fictional World

Just Little Thoughts on Genders in Fictional World

Personally, I think the purest form of beauty might lie somewhere between masculinity and femininity. 
Think of Japanese kabuki, a traditional Japanese dance-drama, in which male actors play female roles, or Takarazuka Revue, in which female actors play leading male roles. Japanese people have always been fascinated by those fictional genders. 
Also, many Japanese Buddhist kannon statues often carry attributes of both genders, and you’ll be surprised at the sensuality some of those statues possess. Sensual beauty does not always come from being feminine or masculine.

Not to change the subject, I don’t think that fictional characters always have to have a fixed gender. People often ask me whether I drew a boy or girl when they see my portrait drawings. More often than not, it’s because I’m bad at drawing males, but sometimes I simply don’t assign a sex to my own fictional characters. Usually, my portrait is purely an image conjured up from my imagination (and maybe my memories). I just give them features I think are beautiful and well matched, not caring about how I should make them look masculine or feminine. All I care is whether they are pleasure to my eyes, and the result is often androgynous appearance.


In our real life, we’re always somewhat confined by our genders, so I think it’s nice to liberate ourselves from binary genders in fictional world at least. I don’t say you shouldn’t want to know the gender of a fictional character, but you can enjoy the art without even specifying the sex of them.

(By the way, the Sherlock portrait above is done by me. And if he looks a bit feminine, it's not intentional. I just don't know how to draw a masculine male portrait...)

S1E4: Douz 前半 (Cabin Pressure和訳)

Douz 1/2

BBC ラジオドラマ、Cabin Pressureの4つ目のエピソード和訳です。

今週の舞台Douz/ ドゥーズはチュニジアの南央Kebili県に位置します。“The Gateway to the Sahara” として知られる小さな街だそうです。Douz - Wikipedia によると、Douzは昔から『最後の椰子のオアシス』と呼ばれ、サハラを横断するキャラバンにとっては、砂漠に入る前の重要な拠点だったとのこと。今日でもラクダや四駆でのサハラトレックの出発地点であり、観光客が多く訪れる街のようです。…調べてたらちょっと行ってみたくなりました。


Cabin Pressureの一行は、もちろんこうした歴史的背景や浪漫とは無縁に、今回もひたすら厄介事を笑いで乗り切っていきます。

Series1の中でも、MJN Airの仲間の結束が伺える、個人的にお気に入りの回のひとつです。冒頭のマーティン(ベネディクト・カンバーバッチ)の(ややウザい)かまってちゃんもキュートです。

今回も英文スクリプトは Douz Transcript | Cabin Pressure Fansからお借りしました。


  • Douz 1/2
    • MARTIN (smoothly, over cabin address): Good afternoon. This is your captain speaking.
    • DOUZ AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL (over radio): Golf Tango India, good evening.
    • MARTIN (sighing with relief): And shut-down checks complete.
    • MARTIN: So they’re officially the national cricket team?
    • JUTTEAU (male, French accent): Entrez? Ah, you have.



S1E3: Cremona 後半(Cabin Pressure和訳)

S1E3: Cremona 前半 の続きです。



今回も英文スクリプトは Cremona Transcript | Cabin Pressure Fans からお借りしました。

  • Cremona 2/2
    • MARTIN: And, er, anything else I can do, you have my number, so don’t hesitate to call!
    • MARTIN: Three-ten, three-eleven … Ah. Three-twelve.
    • ARTHUR: Gosh. It is different here, isn’t it? Are those real?
    • DOUGLAS: After you, Ms Macauley.
    • DOUGLAS: It’s perfectly simple:



S1E3: Cremona 前半 (Cabin Pressure和訳)

BBCラジオドラマ Cabin Pressure第3話、Cremona。


今回も英文スクリプトは Cremona Transcript | Cabin Pressure Fans からお借りしました。


  • Cremona (1-3)
    • CAROLYN: Ah, at last. Now then, guess who’s got a job tomorrow? I’ll give you a clue: it’s us.
    • HESTER: Oh, hello. MJN Air?
    • and beside that, we have the artificial horizon.
    • ARTHUR: Hello.



"Stiff Upper Lip"って?

'Stiff Upper Lip' という表現、耳にされたことがありますか?



先日和訳を掲載した、Cabin Pressureの初回 'Abu Dhabi' に出てきた表現なのですが、今回はこの表現について少し調べてみました。

まずどこで使われていたのか、Cabin Pressureのお話を振り返ってみます。


S1E2: Boston 後半 (Cabin Pressure和訳)

S1E2: Boston 前半 (Cabin Pressure和訳)の続きです。



  • CAROLYN: Reykjavik?!
  • DOCTOR PRICE (American accent): Hullo?
  • ARTHUR: Well, goodbye, then.
  • ARTHUR: Goodbye, thank you for flying MJN Air.
  • CAROLYN: Where is he?